Rottweiler, a.k.a. Rottie or Rott, is a medium to large sized dog that originated in Rottweil, Germany and was mainly used for cattle herding. The Rottweiler is one of the top 10 smartest dogs, and has the strongest bite out of all domestic dogs. The average male weighs 110lbs and the average female weighs 93lbs. (Some of us are above average)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why I love my rottie dogs

I love my rottie dogs because they love me back.
I love my Cinderley because she like's to cuddle with me on the couch.
I love my Thor because he's a great guard dog.
I love my Squishy because he still thinks he's 3 months old.

All Cinderley wants is to be friends with everyone, and for everyone to give her love and attention. When she was a puppy, I took her everywhere and socialized her with everyone. Now that she's grown, all she want to be is social.

Thor believes his job in life is to protect our property, at the end of the day when he comes inside, he just lays down and falls asleep, as if he had an exhausting day at work.

Squishy still acts like a little puppy, I don't think he knows he's huge. He still plays like a puppy, gets into trouble, and looks at you with innocent puppy eyes. To some he may look intimidating, to me, I just want to smother him with love.

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