Rottweiler, a.k.a. Rottie or Rott, is a medium to large sized dog that originated in Rottweil, Germany and was mainly used for cattle herding. The Rottweiler is one of the top 10 smartest dogs, and has the strongest bite out of all domestic dogs. The average male weighs 110lbs and the average female weighs 93lbs. (Some of us are above average)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Puppies chew anything, large puppies also swallow anything

One morning Travis went to feed the dogs and noticed Cinderley's collar was missing. He glanced around the kennel and shuffled the pine shavings in the dog house, but all he could find was the buckle.Not thinking much of it, his day carried on. That evening we brought Cinderley and Squishy in the house (the dog's get to sleep inside on an alternating schedule). Cinderley was looking pretty big and bad without her pink collar on.
About two hours after I went to bed, Squishy started to make that noise when someone's about to barf, except nothing came up. So we all went back to sleep. Then at about 2 am, he started to make the noise again, except this time he puked, and then it looked like he was going to puke again. So we rushed him outside, except he only made it to the back door (still inside the house) before he up-chucked again. Then we sent him outside.
I grabbed a plastic sack and paper towels and started to clean-up the mess in the bedroom. I start to pick it up (my hand's inside the plastic bag of course), when I went to pick it up the second time I came to a realization. "This is Cinderley's collar!" Squishy had chewed up Cinderley's 24" leather collar into 2 inch uniformed lengths and swallowed them! We don't know for sure how Cinderley's collar came off, I'm pretty sure Squishy either yanked it off of her neck, or just chewed it off of her while they were resting. We had a similar problem when Squishy and Thor were kennel partners, Thor's collar ended up in pieces twice in the same week.
So lesson learned, dog's will eat anything.

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