Rottweiler, a.k.a. Rottie or Rott, is a medium to large sized dog that originated in Rottweil, Germany and was mainly used for cattle herding. The Rottweiler is one of the top 10 smartest dogs, and has the strongest bite out of all domestic dogs. The average male weighs 110lbs and the average female weighs 93lbs. (Some of us are above average)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Thor is Houdini

Nothing makes Thor more proud than wiggling his way out of a chain-link kennel. This has been an ongoing sport since the day we got him. The event usually only takes place when Thor is desperate to get out. The first series of escapes happen the first week we brought him home, not knowing why he was locked up in a new place lead him to his escape. After chasing him around the neighborhood on two separate occasions, Thor got the privilege of wearing his 20' cable even when placed in the chain-link kennel. Our re-enforcement consisted of looping a piece of wire through the chain-link and wrapping it around the galvanized guide rail at the base of the kennel. We did this about every foot. Please note that Thor never attempted his escapes by digging his way under the kennel. No, he had to be creative and out smart us.

The second series of escapes happened when we moved the kennel behind the garage under the newly built awning. Being the very alert guard dog Thor is, I believe he was very upset with the fact he could no longer monitor every living soul passing by on the street in front of the house. During the movement of the kennel we once again re-enforced the kennel using the before said method, however this time we did it every 6 inches. So Thor had to out smart us again, this time some how he was able to open the gate, all by himself! "What? Some how he was able to lift up on the latch! Let's use a bungy cord to strap the gate closed. That way if the latch is lifted the door won't swing open." Then the next day Thor is outside of the kennel once again. "Alright, let's padlock the door closed, that way the latch cannot be lifted at all". Once again, the next day he was out. "What the heck?! How is he doing this! We're being out smarted by a dog!" With intense investigation it was discovered he was able to jimmy the door hinge so that the gate would become slanted and would simple drop out of the latch! After this discovery we wedged a t-post between the post and the gate so that the gate could not be slanted. Well, Thor could no longer open the gate after this; however, it was not a success. Instead of opening the gate Thor simply mocked us by creating a hole in the gate! The only 12 inches of chain-link that was never re-enforced! He had himself his own personal doggy door. Well, after this we gave up, we decided it wasn't worth the fight; plus by this time we needed to use the kennel for the puppies. So Thor was on a cable doggie run (and only got loose three times) until we finished fencing our yard in September. Then it was back in the kennel while our new lawn was growing.

Then came series three. This began a week and a half ago. Cinderley was separated from Thor and Squishy while she was recovering from getting spayed. Well, after a few days disorder took place in the kennel, and without Cinderley to correct ill behavior, Thor made an effort to make his escape. Possible with the thought of searching for and finding Cinderley. This time, he was able to find weak spots in the base of the chain link and wiggle his way out. Well, to make things worse, his roommate, the 116lb "Squishy", unhappy with the turn of events, decides he has to get out as well. Now the hole is twice as big! The hole was mended, and broken, and mended. Then another hole was made behind the dog house, this one Squishy can't get out of. The hole was mended, finally Cinderley was returned. All is well. Until we took Cinderley for a day trip. We got home, and what do you know... another hole! We mended it, he broke it, and we mended it. Today I got home and no one was loose. It's a success! Oh, no... never mind, he broke out again... after I got home, and now here we are, in a battle of wits. I'm pretty sure the saga will continue tomorrow and that Thor is Houdini.

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