Rottweiler, a.k.a. Rottie or Rott, is a medium to large sized dog that originated in Rottweil, Germany and was mainly used for cattle herding. The Rottweiler is one of the top 10 smartest dogs, and has the strongest bite out of all domestic dogs. The average male weighs 110lbs and the average female weighs 93lbs. (Some of us are above average)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dog toys always meet a certain death in our family

One of the greatest challenges of owning a Rottweiler is purchasing toys for them that will outlast their attention span. Since Rottweilers have a strong bite, many toys don't stand a chance.  For my dogs, their attention span usually ends once the toy has been disabled in some fashion. Which can happen rather quickly. My dogs love squeaky toys, but the life span of such a toy is unpredictable.

For example, as a puppy Cinderley got plush toys with squeakers in them. Well, for whatever reason she felt it necessary to shred the toy, to find the squeaker, in order to puncture the squeaker so it would no longer squeak. Now this whole process did keep her intently entertained, however as she grew older the amount of time it takes to destroy keeps getting shorter. Cinderley is no longer offered plush toys.

Thor has a similar "seek to destroy" mentality towards a dog toy called "Bad Cuz" which is a durable, brightly-colored, rubber squeaky ball with legs and ears. When he was first introduced to "Squeaky" he would run back and forth in the yard squeaking that ball non-stop, sometimes for a half-hour at a time. As play sessions wore on with squeaky Thor began chewing, first the legs, then the ears, and then one day he broke the plastic squeaking device. Since half the fun is squeaking the toy, I felt it necessary to purchase another one that squeaked, but this one I'd only use when I played with the dogs, to prevent damage to the toy. Thor was playing with the new squeaky for not more than 5 minutes and he had already broke the plastic part that made it squeak!

Squishy is the best with toys, he actually enjoys them and doesn't try to destroy them immediately. However, tennis balls are now off limits because he can now fit the whole thing in his mouth and crush it into pieces with his teeth. And since he's still in his puppy stages, he has to chew and swallow everything!

Therefore, in our household, dog toys are not meant to last, they are meant to briefly entertain and bring a short amount of joy to our dogs. That is until the toy meets death and end up in the garbage can.

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